Kiddy Academy Old Swan Baby Room Travelling Ted

Kiddy Academy Old Swan Baby Room Travelling Ted

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The Children in the Baby Room have met Travelling Ted who will be going home each week with a different child within the baby room. The children gave Ted a cuddle, helped to give him a drink and also fed Ted. We are looking forward to seeing what Ted gets up to via photographs which will be displayed in the Baby Room for all to see.

Pre School Outing to the Fisheries.

Pre School Outing to the Fisheries.


The Children in our Pre School Room enjoyed going out for a walk to our local Fisheries. The children got all wrapped up wearing their coats,hats, gloves and scarfs.

Whilst out on the Walk Shea said “We need to cross at the lights and wait for the green man”

When Nancy was walking up the road she said “Oh it is noisy”