Settling In Sessions
Book A Visit
After securing a place at Kiddy Academy you will be invited to arrange some settling in sessions for your child. We understand that every child is individual so whilst we offer 2 free settling in sessions which usually last approximately 2 hours long, some children may need this adapting based on their emotional wellbeing. During the settling in sessions both parent and child will be introduced to their keyperson and nursery room and ‘All about me’ information will be discussed and exchanged between the 2, this includes likes/dislikes, interests and current stage of development too ensure a smooth transition allowing relationships to be built. Our main priority during these sessions is to allow your child to familiarise themselves with their new environment and to feel safe and secure in the nursery setting, once this is established that’s when the magic happens, and the learning and development of your child will flourish along with new friendships with other children at nursery. At any point during settling in sessions parents are welcomed to call the nursery where you will be put through to your child’s room directly and able to speak with your child’s keyperson for an update.
Transition to another room
When the time comes for your child to move to the next room in nursery discussions will be had between current keyperson/parents considering their current stage/age of development before transition dates are set. Again, the child will have 2 settling in sessions to their new room giving them the chance to familiarise themselves with the new environment/staff and children before the permanent move is made. Transition forms and meetings will be held between the current keyperson and parents ensuring all information is relayed on the settling in session dates, full transition date and new keyperson in their new room. A separate transition form and meet is then completed between the current keyperson and new keyperson making sure likes/dislikes, interests and current age/stage of development are handed over in preparation of the settling in sessions and transition move.
Transition to school
When the time comes for your child to transition from nursery to school staff are always available to help and advise parents on local schools in and around the area and when forms need to be completed and submitted online to secure your child’s place at school. Our preschool teachers prepare a school transition form for each child which shares all the child’s interests and stages of development with their new school along with any other important information and next steps in development. At nursery leading up to their transition the children will be involved in lots of preparation activities, stories, roleplay and maybe even a visit to nursery from their new teacher if this is something their new school will take part in. This is all done to help the children feel safe and secure in their new school allowing them to settle easily and go on and build further relationships in their next chapter.
Book A Visit
Mon-Friday: 7:30am – 6:00pm
Mon-Friday: 8:00am – 6:00pm
Mon-Friday: 7:30am – 6:00pm